Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 1

Hey Everybody!
So week one is officially done! Crazy how its been a week! There is a saying here at the MTC and it is "The days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days" and it is so TRUE!!!! The days just drag on with spiritual moment after spiritual moment and I feel like my mind is about to explode! Probably the most amazing experience I had was when I had just said goodbye to my family and I was with my host missionary and she led me to some doors and I had to walk down this hallway all myself. I got my little information packet and looked inside and i say my name tag. I walked up to this lady and she pulled it out and held it up so I can read it. As soon as she did that I felt a rush from the spirit and I felt my Heavenly Father wrap his arms around me and say "Finally you are here. I am so proud of you." Right a way I started to cry because it was just so strong and so amazing and I just knew it was the right decision. Leaving my family and friends was worth it because I am doing what the Lord wants me to do. I am here to invite souls to come unto Christ and to be a representative of Christ. Because of this I have never felt so sure about anything in my whole life. I love this gospel and I need to share it. Its not just for me its for everyone.
The teachers speak only in spanish and I actually understand pretty much all of it! Its pretty awesome :). Heck I even had one night where all my dreams were in spanish! The third day here we had our first lesson with our investigator Brayan who is from Peru! This is our third day here and since we are intermediate we had to do the whole thing in spanish.... THE WHOLE THING IN SPANISH!! It was insane!!! The Lord seriously helped us and gave us the gift of tongues and it was just so special and so amazing. Through this week our teaching has improved Tremendously and we are getting so much better at teaching by the spirit! I never even understood what that meant until I got here! The Spirit has been a constant burning in my chest since i have gotten to the MTC. I love it here so much and even if the food is nasty and i am always tired and i have never been happier! Thank you all for your love and support and for helping get to where i am today! I know this church is true and I know we have a loving Father in Heaven! I'm grateful for the Atonement and Jesus's Sacrifice for us! If he can do that I can do this! I Say these things en el nombre de Jesucristo Amen :)
Hermana Garcia
P.S. The Lord basically blessed me with the greatest district ever and the greatest branch president ever!!! Also I have the most amazing CompaƱera ever! We were all meant to meet each other and we have all grown and have learned so much from each other! The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Hola Familia! 
I cannot tell you enough how amazing this is!! I love it here! the spirit is so strong and I just am so happy!! My companion is so amazing! Her name is Hermana Nielsen and we get a long so well! We are already like best friends and she and I have so much in common!! Today we taught our first investigator all in Spanish!! How crazy is that?!?! It was terrifying but I have come to understand the gift of tongues and the Lord is always with me! I have learned more Spanish and have felt the spirit more in that past two days than i have in my whole life! The food is pretty awful but it's alright. I did China I can do the MTC ;). I absolutely love my district and all of my roommates!! It is all very loving and very exciting and it's just amazing! There are four of us going to Panama! It's pretty exciting and that one guy is in my zone! Hw silly is that! 
Oh! last thing! Me and Hermana Nielsen are both Sister Training Leaders! yup! got called last night hahaha so that was pretty fast! Also I have pretty much the greatest Branch Presidency ever!! They are just all so great and last night when we met them the spirit was so strong and everyone had tears in their eyes. I miss you all but I have never been more confident in any decision as I have in this one. I love the Lord and I can't wait to serve his children. I Love you and I miss you so much! I hope all is well!! There will be more on Thursday! (That's my P-Day :D)  
Welp I LOVE YOU!! 
Te amo mucho!
Hermana Garcia