Tuesday- walking in circles which is always so much fun! hahaha
Divisions so walking in circles but in another persons area! hahaha That
was fun! Got to get to know some more of Chorrera!
We had our District meet and well we had an activity planned for Sunday
and it was to street contacts in a park but our brilliant ZLs also
decided that two people would be dressed up as a BoM and a Bible....So
we made the BoM... It also rained and it poured and we couln't even go
outside! But when It finally died down we were able to go visit Fam
Tejada and we shared a talk from the past General Conference with them
and there are just so great and the spirit is always so strong!
Well Jueves we made the BoM so we had to finish the Bible... But its
alright! We also had TWO Dinners! We passed by Fam Tejada to see if
there were going to the activity that night and then they gave us Tacos.
We then passed by Yika and she is so positive and we taught her about
profetas and the Hna Elvia... Hna Elvia is a non member that gave us our
meals on Fridays and she is leaving for the interior for a while! SO it
was my last dinner with her and so that was our second dinner! And it
was delicious! Then we had our ward activity that they started after out
5th Sunday lesson! It was great every Friday they play volleyball at
the church and this Friday they had 11 nonmembers!! It was the
Sabado- Peña Blanca day! We went and
Nayelis was leaving so we were able to do a quick follow up with her
and then we went to a new Less active that we contacted earlier in the
week. She was home but also had 2 other friends there that weren't
members. On named Gabriel was super awesome! He had so many great
questions and it was so great! Sadly he doesn't live in our area but those elders are dang lucky because he knows what we have is the truth
man! After we visited the some members that are active that live way out
there and they gave us dinner will cena1 then we went to visit Crystal
and Hna Josefina and she gave cena 2! And then right after that we had
our actual cena!! THREE DINNERS! Man I was so full and the blessing of
the day was that we have rides both to AND from Peña Blanca and that
never happens! We usually walk 3-4 miles just to get there and that day
we didn't walk nearly has much! Man I was stuffed.
Bueno we did the activity and actually contacted some super positive
people not from our area again but hey its ok! Someone needs to find
them :) And no worries no one had to wear the box :)
just would like to testify that I know that we are always put in the
place we need to be. We never understand why or how but the Lord really
does have a plan and it may be to just plant a little seed but we just
need to follow the spirit and He will guide us to where we need to be.
I hope you all have a great week! I love you all and thank you all for the love and support and prayers!
Les quiero mucho!
Hermana Garcia
Me and the Box with Hna Pollard and another with Hna Mora (not worn in
public) Hna Elvia and Nayelis! (she looks just like Nikki! My cousin ahah)