Monday, June 1, 2015

Week 11

Hola mi familia!
So this week really wasn't very interesting... hahah We were in a threesome last Monday and Tuesday with Hna Gilman which was really fun!! She is great and we got to visit a couple of our investigators and two of them are super promising! Lourdes and her mother Blasina are super awesome! They were the contact we made because they had a real pool and turns out it isn't even their pool! Funny how things work out that way right? haha Blasina has a brain tumor so our messages she always enjoys because they give her lots of hope! Lourdes is super awesome! We have taught her the first three lessons and she just gets it. The spirit is always super strong when we teach them and we have invited them to be baptized but they are still a little hesitant to be baptized because they are Catholic and have already been baptized so we are still working on that! 

This week was hard because Hna Salas has been really sick, but its not a typical fever throwing up kind of sick. This is much scarier because she can hardly breath at times... The mission nurses basically ordered us to stay in the house Friday and Saturday and we were bored out of our minds! We studied and watched movies and studied and ate hahaha... But she wasn't getting any better she just stayed the same. So yesterday we had to go to the clinic after church and then stay home again. We have to change our diet and we have to take it easy. Today for P-day we went to Portobelo (SO DANG BEAUTIFUL) with a family from her old area that we planned before she got sick and it was kind of hard on her so we had to cut it short... We have to look for a specialized doctor and again are ordered to stay in but yeah! We have a zone conference on Wednesday and that should be good! Sorry this week was pretty boring!

I would like to bare my testimony though that I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord knows each and everyone of us personaly. I know He loves us unconditionally and I know He will help for anything if we just ask. I know that if we rely on Him we can do anything if it be in His plan. I know that He has comforted me many times and through the power of the priesthood I have been strengthened. I know Christ lives and He lived His life for us and for our salvation. He loves us all so much and it is through Him that all is done. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and is a true book with many teaching that we need to learn from. This is the true church on the Earth today. I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity I have to be a missionary! I share these things in the sacred name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Thank you all for your support and Prayers! Stay safe and remember The Lord and Savior in all your actions! 

Les quiero muchísimo!
Hermana Garcia
Portobelo, she said this is one of the places she would like to take us when we go to Panama

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